
Monday, May 25, 2015

Baju 'peasant' munga2 ^_^

Remember that brown peasant dress I made for Aisyah on Labour Day?

Believe it or not, she only got to wear it yesterday! Hehehe... 3 minggu lebih mummy dia postpone pakai baju baru sebab nak tunggu bila mummy betul2 ada masa nak tangkap gambar.

Alhamdulillah, yesterday being Sunday, we went to our favorite club by the beach (sebab ada playground) and so I took a few shots of the said dress.

I love the material of this dress, cotton voile.
Lembut dan selesa.

Err... sailor kemetot, tak nampak depan heheh...

Rilek jap.
This is one of my favorite shots of the day.
See the black & white version here.

Close-up look of the lace border.
My first attempt and I must say, pretty proud of myself.

I know this pic doesn't showcase much of the dress but it's
here because I love this shot.
Macam comel jer...

Same goes with this pic.
Somehow, something about this pic makes me love it, despite a little bit of lens flare
at the bottom right corner.
Actually, it's BECAUSE of the lens flare heheh!

Sekian saja lambakan gambar kali ini.
Kalau berminat nak buat baju ni, tengok lah tutorial peasant dress. Itu lah asas baju ni, cuma saya panjangkan lengan dan tambah ropol2 di bawah. Senang jeww....

Until next time, cheers!


  1. She is so cute. Kalau you kata gambar tak cantik pun I tetap rasa model you tu comel sungguh *_*

    Ni yang you kata so senang nak buat. Nangis-nangislah I macam ni dikatakan senang. For me asal you mention menjahit, jahitan and seangkatan dengannya, I dah rasa susah sangat!

    1. MD, thanks. Susah sbb u belum cuba. Sebenarnya once u dah tau pakai mesin jahit, tahu jahit lurus dan bengkang-bengkok sikit2... boleh dah u buat baju gini. This is the easiest dress to make. Cer try, cer try... hehehe...


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