
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bright Red Romper

I made a bright red romper for Aisyah. A project that took me a few days to complete, as I had to steal time here and there as I go about my priorities. Finally completed it yesterday. Couldn't wait to put it on her! It just so happened that today is Mother's Day, did anyone notice? Lol! So off we went as a family to one of our favorite hangouts of good food and good no-fee-photoshoot-venue heheh!

I got the pattern for this outfit on Etsy. It was easy to make and looks awesomely comfy too. It is supposed to look like that, loose and baggy. I think Aisyah loves it. I'm thinking of making more, cause these look too cute to not have a few of them!

I put a white ribbon on the front just to differentiate the front from back. The prints at the front is symmetrical. Couldn't do the same at the back due to some technical mistake heehee! By the way, the fabric is Sarawak batik, thus the ethnic prints. Soft, cool and comfy. Perfect combo for baju budak kan?

You can find the pattern here.

Take care and Happy Mother's Day!



  1. Salam kenal dari BUNDA.....terima kasih sudi ke Teratak Bunda...

  2. So cutelah your little girl and the red romper, nampak macam berjenama jerk gitu. Untunglah, untunglah ada mama pandai menjahit nih...

    1. Hehehe tima kasih. Jenama or not, janji puas hati, tak gitu? ^_^

  3. I am soo jealous of you! Should start sewing more often lah macam ni. Made a romper for my baby girl too last week but yet to be published in the blog..

    1. Jangan jeles2. Just get that sewing machine going. I think once u start, you'll be sewing more than me. I selalu tak cukup masa! Haish!

  4. salam kenal...
    comelll nya dia... :)

  5. Loving this Nin..!!!Good job..Aisyah is soooo cute..the romper cute too

    1. THanks for visiting Eeta. Aku suka banget romper ni on her... nak buat lagi but belum ada peluang lagi. So many other things to look into first. Busy busy!

  6. So you are here now.. may I link to this blog so I can read your updates?

    I see that you photography skills are still sharp :-)

  7. aduh tergoda tgok romper aisyah ni..comel gila..untunglah pandai jahit..memang puas hati dan bangga klu dpt jahit baju sendiri untuk anak!


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