
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Birthday boy in the house!

Chakkk! Hehehe...

I know, I know... I still owe you the continuation of my Sabah vacation but nanti lah eh? Mood suda lama terbang. The procrastinator in me is alive and kicking it seems.

Today, my post is just to remember a special day that occurred 4 years ago and the days following that meaningful day have never been the same. Lahirnya my buah hati nombor 3. 

Today. 4 years ago.

I'm not so big on celebrations and such. I've always preferred a private and low-key affair just within the family circle. In other words, mim alif lam sin nak beriya-iya hehehe... I don't always get my way though. But this year, Muhammad's birthday falls within the Ramadhan month. What excuse is better to not throw a party than that it is a month of fasting, and that the 'party planner' is tired?

But really, I am exhausted most days from fasting in this sweltering heat. The heatwave has been intolerable at times. Couple that with me running errands, in and out of the house. The mid-day heat almost always hit me right in the head with a sudden headache. Like, the moment I stepped out of the car, wham! Adehhh... But anywho, this post is not about that heheh.

So yes, in our attempt as parents,  who are somewhat struggling with parenthood, we wanted to remember this day for the sake of our little boy. So we divided the work between ourselves. I went to get his birthday presents, and my better half, the cake (and party hats tiba2 came into the equation!). 

This little micro party must happen.

After iftar, we rounded up the kids for a quick happy birthday to you sing-song, potong kek, some pictures and voila! Party's done. 

We did it!

Hey, don't judge us, okay? Lol!

That's all, folks!

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Alamak! Sehari selepas I lahir long, long time ago ~_^ Happy belated birthday to Muhammad. Ini satu lagi anak you yang sebaya dengan my youngest son (youngestlah senang cerita, production stop terus lepas tu!)

    My family pun jarang buat birthday celebration. My husband tak suka. Kalau ada pun untuk mengingati setakat makan-makan bersama dan potong kek tanpa lilin. Yang penting kena snap gambar banyak2 untuk koleksi peribadi.


Thanks for visiting and leaving your comments. Apologies, if I am slow to reciprocate but I will, insyaAllah ^_^