
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Gimme a pen and a piece of paper...

So I've been bitten by this new craze these past few days... doodling! 

I've always been one who loves to write and scribble whenever I get a hold of a pen and paper. Nothing in particular, just lines and curves, squiggles and circles and lots of meaningless sentences. I'd write quotes or song lyrics, and then move on to practising my signature and then moving on to whatever else comes to mind. Just to while away the time to ease boredom. Or, in the case of being in a public place, to distract myself from the anxiety of agoraphobia.

And then one day, I came across some beautiful doodle artworks online and thought hey... this ought to be fun. I mean, all it takes is a black pen (I use the twin tip sharpie) and paper. There is no need to draw a rough sketch. All you have to do is start and expand from there. It doesn't have to have a theme, doesn't have to mean anything, doesn't have to look like anything... heck! Just fire away! 

Gile senang kan?

It's what I've been doing anyway. Just not in an organised manner lah.

Doodling is pretty easy and straightforward. You can doodle anything, in any which way. Zentangling, on the other hand, is a little more organised and has some criterias to it. Read more about it here.

As far as I'm concerned, lantaklah doodle or zentangle, I'll do either one, or both if I want to. After all, the main purpose is for my own relaxation.

Here's the result of my first attempt... serabut kan? Hahaha! But let me tell you this, as far as relaxation is concerned, for me, this activity hits the spot. It works for me.

And today, I gave it another go while waiting for my turn at the doctor's clinic. Nombor giliran I 19, nombor sedang dilayan, 8... bayangkan berapa lama nak tunggu tu? Thank God I brought this with me and this is the outcome of my second attempt.

Just fyi, both of the above works are not finished work. I got sleepy with the first one (it was almost midnight at the time, gigih tak I melukis?) and my turn came up with the second one. They will most probably not be completed ever. Hahaha!

And tonight, I think I have gotten a little addicted and made another one. This one, I initially intended to stick to the Zentangle concept but the lack of ideas (almaklum, amatur... bukan kreatip sangat pun heheh) led me to later encroach over the fine line between doodling and zentangling. Whatever!

Lastly, this is the artwork of little Aisyah, my youngest. Apa mama buat, dia nak buat jugak. 
The best doodle ever, sincerely straight from the heart! (biased, I know)

Huaaarrghhhh!! Mengantuk sudah...

Good night, everyone. And here's wishing you a fabulous weekend!


  1. happy weekend Nin wahhh
    aktiviti yg sedang viral skrg ni kan
    kaknoor belum pernah mencuba lagi takut nanti dok giler buat ni dapur tak berasap pulak hahaha

    1. Ha'a Kak Noor, doodling and coloring semakin mendapat sambutan. Memang pun dapur hampir tak berasap hihihih....

  2. Wow beautiful doodle Aznin.. I hope one day I know how to create a basic doodle.. Tangan I keras & no talent at all..

    1. Doodle tak perlu talent, sis. I pun baru nak jinak2... very relaxing, sebab tu I suka.

  3. looks like professional lah!! ni boleh consider buat part time lukis inai tangan he he he

    1. Lukis inai I awal2 angkat tangan surrender... very unforgiving. Kalau silap takleh padam2, ada yang kena hempuk dengan kasut pengantin nanti arrrhahahah!


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