
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New chapter.

Salam and good morning...

After a stressful, hectic and certainly eventful 3 months... we are finally settling down. Phew... I say, phew!!

It had been, for the record, the most stressful time of my life! Uprooting is never a breeze, I know that much, but I naively did not expect it would drive me thiiiiiiss close to losing my sanity. I'm not exaggerating, ok? There were miscommunications, and disagreements that escalated to fights and I don't mean the kids tau! There were damages and losses to content with. There were decisions to make regarding the new house... fixtures, fitting, cabinets, wardrobes bla bla bla. There was so much to do and so little time for rest, let alone spending some "me time" which I thrive on. There were certainly weaker moments that I wished never happened and that I had a better grip of myself *sigh*.

Imagine stress tahap tarik rambut sendiri sampai muka hijau hahahaa!

And the stress affected all of us, even the children whom we always assume to be carefree. I could sense their frustration sometimes at the absence of routine and consistency in their lives. They craved mummy's cooking, and longed for their toys tucked away, en route somewhere between Miri and Cyberjaya. (Yes, mak dah berkampung di Cyberjaya uols). They certainly needed more space than our cramped temporary abodes (we shifted a few times). And all of us had had enough of living out of our suitcases!

And then, for the older kids, there was also the challenge of adjusting to a new school. Mak aii... stressnya bab ni, I tell you! But alhamdulillah, in between fears and tears, and sometimes lengkap dengan muntah-monggeknya, they soon began to adapt. And so does the rest of the family.

Though not quite completely cosy (yet), we are definitely settling in. Just some tucking in, here and there, and some finishing touches, we are on a sure path to making this new house homely.

What's most important now is that we are together, and this... is our home.

Alhamdulillah... syukur tak terhingga.


  1. I can feel you.. Finally, it's over.. Lega sangat kann..

    1. Yes, alhamdulillah. Ada lagi kotak2 yg belum unpack hehehe....


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