
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Kisah roti kepit celah ketiak

Alkisah, tadi kami sekeluarga pergi ke Taman Botani, Putrajaya. It was our first time there. Memang best jalan2 atas boardwalk di bawah teduhan pokok2 yang merimbun. I love trees! So I really did love the walk.

Along the route that we took, we came upon another jambatan, di bawahnya kolam yang penuh dengan ikan. Saw some folks feeding the fishies. Waahh! Had I known ada kolam ikan and can feed the fish, I would've brought some stale bread or something.

My kids were longingly looking at the fish and wishing they get to feed the fish as well. Umar thought ada jual fish food, rupanya tak ada. Humaira pulak kept saying, mama nanti kita datang lagi bawak roti ye.

Next to where they were standing were these 2 ladies, busy dropping crumbs of bread into the pond. I saw each of them had 2 large loaves of bread. The jumbo size one, not the regular. So they had 4 loaves of bread. If this was 12 years ago, before motherhood, I would'nt even think about asking them for some. Malu le wehh! But motherhood changed me (korang yang mak2 ni sure paham, takyah buat2 macho la... hahaha) so I politely asked if they could spare a slice or two so that my kids can feed the fish.

Kau! Mentah2 kena decline hahaha! I wanted to give them a dirty look and a smirk but akak sedar diri, kita yang meminta. Orang taknak bagi, takkan nak paksa pulak kan? So I simply told the kids, "next time".

Sangka baik lah... mungkin lepas ni diorang nak dinner makan roti yang diorang kepit ke hulu, ke hilir celah ketiak tu hihihi.


  1. Assalamualaikum Kak Aznin,

    Hurrrmmm sungguh ku x faham mengapa x boleh share roti kepit tu..

    1. Wkmslm... ada my fren kata mungkin tourists, tak paham english. But I did make gestures tunjuk roti, tunjuk budak2, tunjuk ikan bagai... dia terus blah pegi the other side cari port baru. My friend is probably right. Mungkin dek tak paham, they just shy away.

  2. Bukan Malaysian ni kot, sebab itu tak faham. Kasihan alahai budak-budak. Mentah-mentah kena reject ya. Depa nak buat apa kepit roti tu banyak-banyak. I bet sure tak faham bahasa ni...

    Kalau I di tempat kejadian, rasa malulah pulak kalau tak nak beri kat mak orang yang meminta sebab nak beri peluang anak-anaknya beri ikan makan. Hailah manusia! Macam-macam perangai!


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