
Monday, December 5, 2016

Gaun tingkat-tingkat a.k.a. tiered dress.

So... I was going through my FB newsfeed as I do every day... and I kept coming across a friend's DIY home sewing projects. She seemed to be on a sewing spree.

Mak aii... saperah (that's alas meja for some of you), kitchen towel, sarung kusyen etc. you name it. Siap amik order lagi, on the go. Well, no surprise lah... she's celebrating xmas soon and she's busy doing up the house for the coming festive season. And if korang nak tahu, for us sharing the same hobby, this "showing off" (no offence intended here) of diy projects on social media is very contagious.

I, myself, had been putting off sewing due to segala macam kesibukan... yang benar dan yang dibuat-buat, eheheh.... and I had been wanting to get my creative juice flowing again. And now that the school holidays have started, what better time to jump head on and "merempit" like heck, kan?

So after browsing online for some ideas, terciptalah dress untuk anak bongsu aii...

I don't have a tutorial for this dress sebab truth be told, hakak nak siapkan cecepat dek non oii... kalau buat tutorial kang kejap2 dah nak kena pause tangkap gambar lak dulu at every step. Haish! Kan ke lambat tuh?

Apa2 pun, insyaAllah lah, kalau hakak terasa rajin yang luarbiasa, I might just make another one dan buat tutorial sekali ehh? Ehh? Ok?

Hakak belanja gambar je posting kali ni, orait? Apa nak namakan baju ni erk? Dress lobang jantung? Jantung berlobang? Hahaha... apa2 pun, I sangat puas hati dengan baju ni. Tak nyesal hakak buat pelan, hati2 and took my own sweet time. Tadi kata nak cepat siap, ni dah own sweet time plak?

Disclaimer: Warna tema krismas itu adalah kebetulan semata-mata. Next year boleh pakai untuk CNY pulak ekekeke!

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