
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Got time but no time

Happy new year, everyone!

Dah nak pertengahan Januari baru nak wish huhuhu... but if you're a mother like me, I'm sure you can understand the delay. First week of school is probably the most trying week for any family. Mana nak make sure anak-anak, (and us too) adjust themselves to school, and easing back into routine biasa hari-hari sekolah selepas cuti panjang. Then dengan segala tok-nek yuran nak bayar, borang kemaskini profail murid nak isi, salinan this and that yang sekolah mintak and so on.

Tahun 2017 ni, secara rasminya, kesemua empat-empat anak I dah masuk sekolah. The youngest, in pre-school. Alhamdulillah, senang pulak si Girl2 masuk sekolah. Tak ada nangis-nangis, tak ada protes-protes dan lain-lain tindak-tanduk yang sewaktu dengannya. She surprised me. Kakak dan abang-abangnya dulu menjejaki alam persekolahan with quite some drama. But not her. MasyaAllah I'm so proud and grateful for that. Kurang lah sikit stress I pagi-pagi.

Now that all 4 kids are in school, I was hoping to find some time to indulge in my hobi menjahit. Banyak projek yang sama ada masih belum mula, atau yang terbengkalai. Koleksi fabrik je rasanya dah boleh muat 3 suitcase kut hahaha! But setakat ni... perancangan masih belum dapat direalisasikan.

I had naively thought that some 4 hours every school day morning would be ample time untuk melayan hobi. Tapi setakat 2 minggu since school started, I have yet to touch the sewing machine. Ada je urusan. On a typical day, after sending the kids to school, I'd have breakfast, take a short nap if I didn't get enough sleep the night before and then mula memasak for lunch. But gedebuk-gedebak, by the time siap memasak, it's almost time to fetch the kindergarteners already. Like, whuuutt??

Itu kalau tak pergi marketing. Kalau misalnya pagi tu I ke pasar selepas hantar anak-anak ke sekolah atau buat other errands, alamat tak duduk lah I dari pagi sampai settle jemput anak-anak dari sekolah. Today was one such day. Dan kebiasaannya lepas lunch memang I'd get hit by the afternoon slump sebab kepenatan dan kekenyangan. Like, now. Right now. Huuaaaaargghhh!! Ngantuknya.

So how to layan hobi??

Can't do it in the afternoon cause I'd be craving for a nap, after which, it's time to see to the kids' homework. Girl1 nak UPSR this year... and she needs lots of coaching and encouragement. It's doubly hard for her, understandably, because of her learning difficulty but I'm sure she can do it. She might just surprise us. But until the time comes, there surely is a lot of hard work to be done. Takpe, pelan-pelan. No pressure.

And then there's the evening hours that I might be able to curi-curi to get creative. But kebiasaannya, malam-malam we spend time together as family just lounging around and memekak (kalau kids takde kelas mengaji Quran).

So that leaves me with some late hours after the kids have all gone to bed... hmmm.... Satu je masalahnye di sini. Bila dah lewat malam, I takut duduk sorang-sorang dalam bilik jahit.

So how now, brown cow?

Welp! I guess I'll just keep on visualizing myself making awesome projects in my head until they eventually do happen!

1 comment:

  1. Pheww!!! baca je pun dah berpeluh.
    Masa jadi penganggur seketika dulu dapat rasa bagaimana sibuknya jadi pengurus rumahtangga


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